


  • 伊中校友來敘舊
  • 級聯各異冇代溝
  • 趕快報名把位留
  • 免我把你追到瘦


  • Tick tick 復 click click
  • 籌委當戶 pick
  • 不聞收件聲
  • 聞會長嘆息
  • 問女何所思
  • 問女何所憶
  • 思夏日聯歡
  • 憶人數不寬
  • 昨夜 check email
  • 封封係 junk mail
  • eVite 大量出
  • 過半還未覆
  • 難道唔得閒
  • 好難抽時間
  • 共校友慶祝
  • '70 前揍孫
  • '80 後揍仔
  • 千禧冇移民
  • 代代理由足
  • 兒孫常常見
  • 同窗只兩面
  • 願為友共慶
  • 立即把位訂 (-Doris)



舊生會夏日敍餐 is approaching
南丶北加州都在 planning
七月十六或廿三可以隨意 choosing
希望各人都能 participating
但有好些校友還在 deciding
要我哋好似長頸鹿的 waiting
其實大家唔駛 thinking 又 thinking
理事們正密鑼緊鼓的 preparing
節目精彩真係好 entertaining
你唔嚟就會 missing
同大家 networking, eating, singing and laughing
趕快報名一齊來 rejoicing

創校校長 -- 張維豐先生 -- 知多一點㸃


By 梁林苑萍 Louisa Leung (59FA)

Chinese New Year Recipes

To all my schoolmates and friends, I would like to wish you a very Happy and Healthy Chinese New Year.  Louisa asked me to share with you a few of the recipes for this special occasion.  I apologize that I was not able to include the photos but if you email me, I can send you the recipes withe photos which makes it easier to follow,

Chua Lin '59

[email protected]



Shanghai Red Cooked Pork Hock 紅燒蹄髈


Queen Elizabeth School Alumni Association USA (QESAAUSA) - A Tribute to QES 2014 article

By Louisa Leung 梁林苑萍 (59FA) President 2013-15, QESAAUSA


In 2014, the year of Queen Elizabeth School’s diamond jubilee, the United States chapter of the QES Alumni Association also commemorates its 15th anniversary.

What Attracted Alumni Coming to the USA? - A Tribute to QES 2014 article

By Louisa Leung 梁林苑萍 (59FA) President 2013-15, QESAAUSA
In celebration of QES60, we did a questionnaire survey in November, 2013 to elicit members’ experience and

Season's Greetings!

Dear fellow alumni:

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am sending you our best wishes for a joyous holiday season and auspicious New Year. 

With the cooperation and support of QESAAUSA members, we have had a productive year, highlighted by these efforts:

