Submitted by LouisaLeung on Sun, 12/29/2013 - 17:18
Dear fellow alumni:
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am sending you our best wishes for a joyous holiday season and auspicious New Year.
With the cooperation and support of QESAAUSA members, we have had a productive year, highlighted by these efforts:
- New website launch: Kudos to our Information Technology officer Gavin Chan, who revamped our alumni website, hardened its security and made it a lot easier to search for events and articles.
- Constitution Amendment: A referendum for aligning the amendment process to meet voter convenience had been put forward. We will keep you posted of the result when it becomes available.
- Out-of-state members outreach: We encourage all members to let us know of your classmates or QES alumni who plan to visit the Bay Area. We would try our best to organize gatherings in their honor. The recruitment of new members is our ongoing charter.
- QES 60th Anniversary celebration kick-off: QESOSA has decided that the Banquet is to be held on November 22, 2014 in Hong Kong. That will be one week ahead of the U.S. Thanksgiving Day. We are considering making a side trip to either Guangzhou or Malaysia. We are open to suggestions.
The 2014 Annual General Meeting will be a luncheon event on Saturday, February 22, 2014. We are truly grateful for your enthusiastic support of our past events, and look forward to serving you in the upcoming year.
Wishing you excellent health and much success in 2014,
Yours sincerely,
Louisa Leung
President, QESAAUSA