Queen Elizabeth School
Alumni Association (USA)
AGM & Luncheon 2023The 2023 Annual General Meeting and Luncheon took place on Saturday Oct 7,2023 at Cheung Hing Restaurant in Milpitas. There were over 30 alumni in attendance. Dr. Kai C Leung, our former teacher, also joined us. Most of the alumni were from the FA70s and FA80s. We loved to see new, young faces!
We were impressed by the over two-feet long fresh fish and the two extra large lobsters in our 10 course meal. Lucky draw items include a teapot-teacups set; tea leaves, shopping bags and some ornaments. The most popular items were the eight QES canvas shopping bags brought by Helios. Everybody would like to have one.QESAAUSA Board of Directors 2023 -2025It is with great pleasure that we announce that our new slate of BOD for 2023 -2025 has been approved at the AGM on Oct 7, 2023. The names of the new board member and their positions respectively are as follows :President : Doris TseVice President : Peter PoonSecretary : Fiona On Lai LeeTreasurer : Teresa TamMembership Director : Yvonne TseInformation of TechnologySocial Director : Keith ChoSocial Director : Shung Keung LamWe are proud to welcome Fiona On Lai Lee and Yvonne Tse to our Board. Their connection to the younger FA alumni is a great asset to our Association.We thanked the 2019 -2023 Board of Directors. Their dedication to the QESAAOSA is much appreciated. Two Board Members Alex Wong and Katherine Wong requested to step down. We wish them good health, a joyful life and spending more time with grandkids.