Queen Elizabeth School
Alumni Association (USA)
QESAAUSA is a non-profit organization whose members are former students and faculty staff of Queen Elizabeth School in Hong Kong. The purpose of the association is to promote friendship and cooperation amongst QES alumni and to provide assistance and support to members when necessary.
The founding of QESAAUSA was spurred by a visit by Mr. Hinton to San Francisco in January, 1999. During a welcoming dinner attended by 60 alumni and guests, many attendees expressed the desire to establish an alumni association in the U.S., following the good examples of our alumni in Vancouver and Toronto. Eight interim board members were elected. Through the hard work of Nelson Tsang (曾劍輝) '60, Peter Poon (潘天佑) '60, Yiu-koon Leung (梁耀觀) '60, Teresa Cho (古嫣芹) '60, Vivie Young (鮑媺媺) '62 and other volunteers, QES Alumni Association of the USA was formed.
To promote friendship amongst alumni, QESAAUSA hold regular meetings and gatherings. Apart from our Annual General Meeting and Dinners, held around the Chinese New Year every year, we also organize summer picnics and potlucks, as well as tours.