Queen Elizabeth School
Alumni Association (USA)
Here is the message from the Tribute to QES 2014 Editorial Board:
We have great pleasure in producing this publication entitled “Tribute to Queen Elizabeth School
2014” for commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of our Alma Mater. The Publication Sub-committee,
together with other Sub-committees under the Steering Committee for Organizing QES60 celebrations,
was set up in early 2013. After 20 months of hard work, we have produced this internal publication as well
as another special publication entitled “伊利沙伯.香港” about the development of QES in relation to the
community of Hong Kong in the last 60 years, which is now for sale in the major book stores.
“Tribute to QES 2014” provides a platform for old students to freely express their love and passion for
QES as well as their recollection of their good old school days. While most of the submissions we received
are articles, there are a few in other forms, including poems (詩和詞), duplet (對聯) and re-written lyrics of
a once popular song.
As expected, there are articles paying tribute to our beloved former Principal Dr Arthur Hinton. It is
great news that Dr Hinton has decided to return to Hong Kong to join the QES60 celebration activities.
Many old students are longing to meet him and his schedule in Hong Kong is packed with gatherings
with different groups. We wish him a marvellous time during his stay in Hong Kong. On the other hand,
there is sad news that former Assistance Principal Mr So Yan Kin passed away in June this year. Several old
students of the 1960s have submitted articles paying tribute to their highly respected Mr So, particularly
for his unusual and impressive way of teaching as well as care for students.
We take the opportunity of the diamond jubilee of our mother school to provide some information
which we believe is of general interest to all old students. Such information includes the history of the
OSA, the scholarships of QES and lists of people with special contribution to QES, including Principals,
Head Boys and Head Girls as well as Chairpersons of the PTA, the OSA and the Student Union. We used to
call the leaders of these three organizations Chairmen, but we have advanced with the tide to call them
Chairpersons. You may note that both the OSA and the PTA, which were established almost 60 years ago,
have so far only one Chairlady. The Chairlady of the OSA dated back to 1965 and the PTA only has its first
Chairlady this year. As for the Student Union which was only established in 1999, there have already been
several Chairladies. The wheel of progress is rotating forward in a fast pace.
There is also a section of the publication designated to old students with outstanding achievements
in science and technology. Their contribution has extended from the school to the community and even
mankind. This is the first attempt of its kind for collecting and presenting information on old students.
Hopefully, the list will be supplemented and more lists will be compiled in future.
Special thanks must be given to Mrs Chan Tai Yee Man, Assistant Principal and Ms Wong Siu Ying,
Clara, teacher of QES, for provision of information relating to QES, the four overseas OSA chapters for
supplying information on the development of their associations and how their members adapted to the
life in foreign lands as well as Mr Tsoi Heung Sang (59FA), Honorary Chief Executive of QESOSAEPO, for the
updated account of progressive setting up of the OSA schools and other educational services.
Finally, we hope that this publication will bring back sweet memories to our readers and every reader
will enjoy reading it.
Let us all celebrate whole-heartedly the 60th birthday of our mother school and wish her a brilliant